.posthidden {display:none} .postshown {display:inline} By His Own Hand. . .: A New Beginning?


A New Beginning?

I had the beginnings of an epiphany last night. I have been reading "Reclaiming Surrendered Ground" (Jim Logan) and finally started to understand the idea that Christ has already won the victory over sin. Satan is already defeated by Christ's victory over death on the cross! Yes, He will come back and finally finish off the job once and for all at the second coming, but His victory isn't just for eternity; it's for us at the moment when we accept Him into our lives! The difference between fighting to gain victory and fighting from a position of victory makes all the difference in the world. I can't gain victory by myself, and I don't have to! I already have it!! I don't have to grit my teeth and just endure temptation; that's winning in the flesh. I just have to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit, become totally dependent on Him for strength and guidance, and realize that Satan has no power over me other than influence and lies (also, it never occurred to me that all thoughts that enter my head aren't my own; some come from the Holy Spirit, which I have experience, but that some come from the devil never crossed my mind. It's not a sin to experience such thoughts, but I certainly don't have to entertain them!). Hallelujah!!!

I don't know what all this means for me quite yet, but I know I feel a whole lot lighter than I have in a while :)

I'll get to Lucado soon, I promise, but sometimes you just have to take what God is giving you instead of trying to force your will on His way.

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