.posthidden {display:none} .postshown {display:inline} By His Own Hand. . .: Day 10: The Power of New


Day 10: The Power of New

This is entry #100!


I think the opening explanation of the "new" commandments Jesus gave is great. The basic idea is that the Old Testament was an old way of doing things (OLD, not wrong): based on tradition, following written rules, motivated by God's judgment. The new was is based on our dependence on God's power, following in Jesus' living example, motivated by the ultimate act of God's love.

Sometimes we get into an "old" way of loving; the people in our lives become the victims of habitual acts. We start to treat people "nicely" out of a feeling of commitment, and as long as we are fulfilling our obligations (food is on the table, saying what is wanted to be heard, "listening" to others), we must be doing it right. However, the attitude behind this is one of complacency. We can't allow our relationships to become just part of the routine. It's really easy to look at the people we spend time with and approach them with the attitude of "mutual consent to mutual advantage," which basically means that we choose to spend time with people and give them what they are looking for because we gain something of value from them in return. This may or may not be true in every relationship, but either way that's a very businesslike way to approach people. And we are called to love everyone, so if there isn't "mutual advantage," then too bad!

So how do we get away from this old way of loving? Two things will help. First, we have to start putting ourselves back into that emotional spot where we were when we first loved that person/those persons. Again, just because we don't feel like loving doesn't mean we can't love- it's a choice and an action that precedes the feeling, not the other way around. Second, we have to realize that we can't always do it, but God can! He wouldn't tell us that we HAVE to love others if He weren't going to provide a way for that to happen! It's not about psyching yourself up; it's about getting yourself out of the way! And that's tough. But no one ever said life was going to be an easy journey. And things that are worth having are worth working for, including loving relationships.

Point to Ponder: God will never command you to do something he will not give you the power to do.
This is a comforting idea, but sometimes it's still hard to apply. For me, I get in the mindset of, "but I HAVE to do this!" The problem isn't the "HAVE" but the "I." I have to realize sometimes that I can't do what God wants me to do in my own strength. And more importantly, I don't have to rely on my own power! It's an easy concept to understand, but again it's not always easy to put into practice.

Verse to Remember: 1 John 4:8- "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears in not made perfect in love."
It's so easy to worry, to fear the future, to be afraid of messing things up. If we'd just give those things over to Jesus' care, we would probably live a lot less stressful lives.

Question to Consider: How can I take a love that's old and allow God to make it new?
Well, I think this goes back to what I was saying a couple of days ago. We need to be sure to show proper appreciation for the people who play important roles in our lives. I think we lose the wonder of relationships when they start to become "just a part of life." But if we consistently see those people as blessings of God, and realize that they are choosing to do things for you in the same way you choose to do things for them, it becomes easier to love them in the same way you used to.

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