.posthidden {display:none} .postshown {display:inline} By His Own Hand. . .: Commitment and Distraction


Commitment and Distraction

You know what's really sad? It took me three tries to spell "commitment" correctly. I will blame it on being past my "good teacher" bedtime of 9 PM.

You know what's sadder? I started typing this a little after 9 PM, and I'm just now typing this very sentence at the ripe time of 10:00 PM. So, I added "and Distraction" to the title because of that.

(also, random memory from Theory I with Dr. Adams (what did they call it? Basic Music I- MUS 1600. Man, it's been a long time): Purple monkey dishwasher (sung in a 4 part Bach chorale style, no less))

ANYWAY. Get ready for some backwards chronology of this evening.

I just had a nice catch-up conversation with one of the mom figures in my life. I've been feeling a little disconnected from some of my mitten contacts (which is OK in some cases, but there are still people I care about and want to know what's going on in their lives) so I've been making a concerted effort to try and make some phone calls/texts.

I called her on my drive home back from the open house, which was actually very encouraging to me. A parent commented on enjoying the football games and what I'm doing with the high school students because it's effective and she can see how passionate I am about what I do.

So that got me thinking: am I just as passionate about music as I am about Jesus? Does my life always reflect how I feel about my Savior? More importantly, do I allow myself to share what He's done and doing in my life? Because when I get down to it, my past record shows that I usually shy away from discussion of religion with other people because it tends to be uncomfortable. But you could call me at 2 AM and ask me a question about Beethoven Op. 21 No. 1 and I'd have a conversation with you (alright, that's a little extreme, but still). It's definitely something I need to think about (and I know I've mentioned this topic on here before, but again, something that I struggle with).

In lieu of that (and of having a crazy life), I'm making a proposal. . . to myself I suppose. I'm going to commit to updating at least once a week. I also need to catch up the relationship book stuff, and as I do that I'll try and put alerts in the weekly update that I am committing to (how come "committing" has double "m" and double "t" but "commitment" doesn't???) (wait, that would be three consonants in a row, which we don't like to do unless it's an "s" at the end of a word).

Got that, self? Write once a week. Reflect on a sermon, something from my devotional or something I read, or maybe just something that clicks in life. I will probably not start a hardcore book study again for a while (at least until after marching season, but then that gets into Christmas Carol craziness) (gotta love alliteration), though I will still probably do some light reading/reflecting because I enjoy it. No big commitments in that area right now though.

So now that a 10 minute entry has taken an hour and a half due to distraction, it's bed time. Sorry for the jumpiness.

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