.posthidden {display:none} .postshown {display:inline} By His Own Hand. . .: too many things (but also at least one really good thing)


too many things (but also at least one really good thing)

It is always shocking to see when the last entry was after knowing it has been a while since I have written.  October 20.  What happened since then (outside of the normal craziness). . .

A show at the university.
A concerto competition in the panhandle.
A thespian event in Orlando area.
Thanksgiving break in Michigan.
Six recitals.

So yeah. . . I think that's why I haven't had a chance to write.  I almost did over Thanksgiving but I was working on an important project related to the process of becoming an elder at Grace Life Church, which makes a great segue to what I really want to get to. . .

This Sunday we announced to the church my candidacy to becoming an elder.

It's all good teaching, you can listen to the sermon here (I start talking around 39 minutes, there's a little bit of silence between 38 and 39).

I would write the story out here but in many ways, the story is contained within the entries of this blog.  God has been in every detail up to this point, and I'm not really surprised that this is the point where I am at.  There's a lot that will happen over the next few weeks.  There have been a lot of swirling emotions around it, none of it particularly bad by any means, but just. . . things I need to write about.  And I need to get through finals and juries before I think I will really be able to sit down and start to sort my thoughts.

So go listen to the sermon.  Go read some entries.  Ask me some questions.  I'll be back to really write sometime after December 17th.

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