.posthidden {display:none} .postshown {display:inline} By His Own Hand. . .: A Little Night Music


A Little Night Music

No, this post is not about Sondheim's show. Sorry if you got excited (I would love to have my hands on the piano book for that show, though. . .). But I couldn't resist posting. I think I've truly developed a habit (I feel like "they" say it takes 21 days. . . so yeah). I don't think it's a bad thing though.

Teaching went well today until HS band. It was alright, but I still feel like I don't know exactly how to teach them anything. It's such a weird situation, but I feel like I'm doing my best. My after school program has been going downhill, and I'm not exactly sure why, other than the inherent (I say that word a lot) problems of having an after school program that only runs two days a week and contains 90% middle schoolers (meaning they can't drive themselves). Today was one of those days where I was my own biggest enemy. I have to fight so hard to keep focused on the vision rather than getting bogged down by the state of ruin that surrounds me there. It still blows my mind that there is NO music program there. It's one thing to build up a program that's low quality; it's something completely different to start from the ground up. I don't think it's any more or less work, but it's very different than what I was originally anticipating to do. It makes me feel so adult when I think about it (what 21 year old has an 8-year plan unless he or she is going to medical school??). But anyway, my point was that that was getting me down today on my way home from school.

Also, I am SO EXCITED for this three day weekend. I need some time to be a slug and meditate.

. . . actually, I don't know that slugs meditate.


This evening I attended our church's Valentine's Banquet and played a short piano duet with Ginny (AMAZING amazing amazing musician, pianist, organist and a fantastic person. . . I was so happy to be able to work with her, even on something simple) as part of the entertainment. I have never really understood the concept of a "church family" being like a real family, but in the, what, 5 1/2 months I've been at SBC, I finally get it. I LOVE spending time with people at my church, whether it is at worship services, random concerts/events, meal times, or encounters at Wal-Mart (which happen more often than not, actually. . . I don't think DeLand is as big as I imagined it would be when I was first moving down here. . . but still, it's bigger than South Haven). I feel like I am accepted and cared about, and (get this) I find myself caring about the people there. I am an emotional person, but I'm also very guarded, so the fact that I am open with people who are essentially strangers (not everyone: my SS class, the staff and their families, and choir people I have gotten to know somewhat at this point) is a big step. God has definitely been working on my heart, whether or not I have realized it.

Anyway, my point is that I feel much better than I did a few hours ago.

I need to get to bed so that I can get up early-ish and do laundry and listen to the Nehemiah message from the 31st (can you guess what I might write about tomorrow?).

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