.posthidden {display:none} .postshown {display:inline} By His Own Hand. . .: Day 15: Communication Isn't Easy!


Day 15: Communication Isn't Easy!

I'm thankful that I don't make word flubs too often, because the results are usually embarassing (the game of Taboo has definitely taught us that haha). I tend to be more thoughtful whenever I speak, so I usually use word play to break the ice or get a laugh, and I don't offend people too often.

Communication is the fuel of relationships. . . what a great analogy. It's through talking and interaction that we get to know people. But it's not any time of communication: it's love that binds people together. I love the analogy about putting water or acid in a car instead of gas, because it's so true! People who's attitude is acidic corodes and eventually rips holes in the relationship.

Communication is also an art, not a science. After all, I could say the same thing the same exacty way to two different people and get completely different reactions. I try far too often to make it a science, planning out conversations (or at least my half- I do this much less often now, but I used to constantly be thinking in conversation to specific people, depending on topic. I've found that I've turned that conversation to God instead, so that's been a neat change for me). That's not to say that there's never a situation that you want to get the words just right, but something I discovered at camp is that God really does supply us with the words when we focus on Him rather than try to plot out our exact speech (prayer time was a great example. I'm slowly getting more comfortable with praying aloud in a group setting). Also, it's OK if I'm not a perfect speaker! I think I need to be less harsh on myself in this area. . and I think I'm getting better at opening up. Anywho, when God gives us the words, really awesome things can happen.

Point to Ponder: All relationships are fueled by communication.
If they weren't, then the concept of friends, enemies, family, community, etc. wouldn't make any sense at all. Without communication, everybody is on equal ground, and no one means anything more or less than the next person.

Verse to Remember: Proverbs 12:18- "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
I think we have all been pierced by such words, and we have all, accidentally or intentionally, used words to hurt someone. What does it mean to have a wise tongue? I think the answer is in James: quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.

Question to Consider: Who needs to hear me speak words that heal?
I'm sure I can think of a handful of people who need healing words rather than scathing remarks.

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