.posthidden {display:none} .postshown {display:inline} By His Own Hand. . .: Day 30: How Humility Handles Ambition


Day 30: How Humility Handles Ambition

Ambition is a good thing. In fact, ambition is a GREAT thing! God created us with a specific purpose in mind, and we ought to chase after that with all that we have! He has left it up to us to take care of the world (for now), and we are made in His image, and if creating the universe isn't ambitious, then I don't know what is. So, ambition by itself is not bad. Ambitions that are selfish are when we get into trouble. Are we seeking after the things God wants, or what we want? I think careers are where a lot of us trip up. We are given a passion for something (good) and we throw ourselves into our jobs (good) and we end up ignoring the people in our lives because we're too busy working towards that promotion, that award, that competition, to the point of consumption (bad). The individual ambitious goals we have should lead to a fulfilling LIFE, not a compartmentalized version of life, where some things are great and other things we ignore.

So how do we get to be great? We must become like children. What does that really mean? I love all the familial relationships/analogies throughout the Bible, because they are so revealing. Children are dependent on their parents to provide their needs. They are trusting and accepting of their parent's will, even when they don't really understand why. In fact, sometimes they don't even ask; they take the rules given and (ideally) follow them out of respect for their parents. They are curious and always asking questions, and generally are satisfied with the answer they do (or do not) receive. After all, parents don't have to explain everything to a child, because they may not understand. Isn't that a great picture of how our relationship with our Heavenly Father should be? If we could strive to be more childlike, just think of the places God could take us!

Point to Ponder: True greatness is depending on God.
He's in control of everything anyway; why do we fight against Him and go our own way?

Verse to Remember: Matthew 18:4- "Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
The GREATEST! Aren't your favorite students/employees/children/people you are in a place of authority over the ones who trust you, who listen to you, who seek out your advice? So. . . why don't we treat God in that way as the ultimate authority?

Question to Consider: Am I demanding something of myself or others for which I should be depending on God?
I try really hard to keep myself from the feeling of "I'm desperate for _____" because it is in those moments that I make poor decisions and start telling God how He is supposed to fill that need (which sometimes isn't really a need but a want) and/or start seeking to fill that need through my own means/through the relationships I have. That's always a tough position to be in, but I have to try and take a step back and look at everything God has already done for me and realize that He's still working in my life, and that His timing and ways are not mine, and I'm not asked to understand it, but to obey and remain in Him.

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