.posthidden {display:none} .postshown {display:inline} By His Own Hand. . .: Week 2 in Review


Week 2 in Review

What needs to change in your life in order to create margin and give you time to love as Jesus loved?
I need to be more open to joining in social opportunities, even when I may not "feel" like it or necessarily even enjoy the activity (I'm not going to go out and golf because I'm terrible and I don't have clubs anyway, but I could go and watch a baseball game even though I'm really not a baseball fan at all). The focus really needs to be on spending time with people rather than the activity itself, because how can we have an opportunity to love if we aren't interacting with people? The other thing I need to be careful of is not keeping my business face on all the time when I'm working on a project with others. I guess that's not really a time thing per se (unless you want to argue that taking the business away means that the whole process will take longer).

Can you remember times when you acted in love, even though you didn't feel loving at the time? What helped you to follow through on the desire to act in love?
I think what helps us in those situations is looking at the end result. Much like going to the dentist, we may not feel like doing it, but we know that it's for our good. Unlike going the dentist, we usually feel much better after we get it over with.

How could you discussion group encourage you as you seek to allow God to take a love that is old and make it new?
I think that I just need to be reminded of how much God loves me on a consistent basis, and then base my choices on that fact. I need to remember that I really have changed, and I'm still changing, and that means that my perspective on life and my relationships should also change, and I don't need to be afraid or ashamed of that. It's tough when you're so used to life being one way, and then things get turned upside down, and the people you used to know are now on the "floor" while you're hanging from the ceiling, trying to act like nothing has changed. I have to realize that I should WANT people to see a difference in me. I need to embrace that, and once I do, I will be able to love those people in a truer and deeper way than I ever thought possible.

What does it look like for you to shift from trying to make things happen in your own power to trusting in God's power for your relationships?
Stop stressing about little things, stop feeling that people's opinions shift dramatically (“Most people think everybody feels about them much more violently than they actually do—they think other people’s opinions of them swing through great arcs of approval or disapproval.” Thanks again, Fitzgerald), stop trying so hard, and become aware of the many opportunities God provides for me to allow Him to love others through me, and not resist/be afraid of speaking. . . I think that's a good list for now.

What project(s) could your discussion group do together to show practical love?
I don't really know how to answer this for a group, but I know some things I can do. I can be more open and sincere in my gratitude and compliments. I can not try and avoid certain situations or opportunities to serve just because it means I'll have to interact with people who are harder for me to love. I can start doing things without being asked rather than waiting for instruction (because although I function better when I'm given specific steps or tasks, I can also handle doing simple things; it's just pushing past the "I haven't been asked to, so should I?" attitude and just allowing the love to flow) (sorry, that was kind of an awkward phrasing. . . it's close to bed time). Most importantly, I can continue to do some of the things I'm already doing and not give those up to complacency in my relationships.

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