.posthidden {display:none} .postshown {display:inline} By His Own Hand. . .: How big is God?


How big is God?

I have to believe that He is HUGE. IMMEASURABLE. Imagine, if you will, a box of Golden Grahams that always has fresh, delicious honey squares to be poured into an endless amount of just cold enough milk that never runs out, gets sugary, or changes temperature. That's kind of how big God is.

Sorry. I have a thing for Golden Grahams. I think I could eat an entire box over the course of the day without even thinking about it.


I stumbled upon (ok. . . give credit where it's due: the Holy Spirit led me to) Romans 8 last night (or maybe the night before. . . recently enough anyway), and while it is a very familiar passage, it is a good reminder for me with everything that is going on in my life right now. My job, the production of Christmas Carol, personal problems. . . all of them might feel gigantic at times, but you know what? God is bigger. WAY bigger. And He chose me to be involved in the things I'm doing. While that doesn't guarantee success by any means, it is comforting to know that I am supposed to be where I am. Whatever the outcome, NOTHING will separate me from the love of Christ.

The question is this: will I keep myself connected to Him?

I think that's what all this adversity and difficult/overwhelming time is all about. And God will reward faithfulness. . . so I have to remain faithful. I have to be the man that God is calling me to be, even if I'm only 22.

So. . . here I am. Use me, Lord, for Your glory, and I will give you credit where credit is due, because it's certainly not me that's going to do all the amazing things You have in store for my life.

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