The week after school let out, I went to up to Michigan for a week. Here's the ole' homestead:

South Haven is on Lake Michigan, and we have a pretty beach area:

I played for a good friend's wedding:

Unfortunately the picture is sideways and I'm too lazy right now to shift it around.
After the wedding I went to Kalamazoo (where I attended college) and had dinner with some friends at Bilbo's:

It's a pizza place, and all their menu items have LOTR influences (A Shadow of the Past, Bag End BLT, etc). It was nice to catch up with some people, but soon after the trip to Kalamazoo, I was on a plane back to Florida.
I don't have a picture related to the workshop I went to right when I got back, nor do I have pictures from Homeland, so here's a picture of me with my friend's gigantic sunglasses on:

And right after Homeland, we decorated for VBS and did all the craziness that was involved:

That was my breakfast one morning, all yellow in honor of the Nursery's color coded day themes. My friend did some awesome planning for that (check her blog out), so I felt it appropriate to give the shout out.
We celebrated my birthday that weekend (since it happened over VBS). No pictures from that, but here's an epic grasshopper:

The rest of that week I spent working at school and hanging out with people, and then we celebrated Keri's birthday with a Hawaiian luau theme:
. . . OK, I might have cheated a little with that last picture.
And then it's been tech week for Oz all week:

(those are my page turners)
And Oz opens Friday!!
So. . . that's my life from the past few weeks. I have so many great books that I want to dive into! But I guess I'll have to make time for that when summer is over. Craziness, but I love it. A year ago, if someone had told me that this would be my life, I would have laughed at them.
I leave you with this: Phillipians has some great nuggets, and this is what I read this morning. I'll try and do a more insightful update in the near future.
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