How can I take steps with such a heavy load?
Why give us what we desire, what we didn’t know we wanted,
Only to take it away, too soon to have enjoyed it?
Where is comfort in solitude?
Where is light that does not mock?
Who can stand to move against
The bitter winds of emptiness?
Talk to me, show me the way out of darkness;
Nourish my body and soul with your provision.
Make a new path, direct my steps,
And bolster my resolve to follow You.
Only then can I begin to walk the chosen path.
By Your strength, I can see the true light
And find Your purpose in the pain.
I think I know better, but You are sovereign.
Even if I were perfect, still Your plan is better.
And I am not wise, I am not good.
But You are good, and You do good.
You have worked these things for my good,
And will comfort me so I can comfort others.
So I trust You, and I must follow You.
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