.posthidden {display:none} .postshown {display:inline} By His Own Hand. . .: a bunch of random thoughts


a bunch of random thoughts

I don't know that there will be any real focus or continuity to any of this, so I apologize in advance.

First, at the end of this week, I'll have officially lived in Florida for a year and a half (18 months to the day).

As I got home this evening from a rather full Sunday (church, a HS Broadway review over in Daytona Beach, back to church for a business meeting, and then dinner with the "fam"), I decided I didn't want to spent the remainder of my evening in my apartment (even if it is quite a bit cleaned up again!), so I got in my car and went for a walk/run around Lake Victoria. I think deep in my heart, I am a country boy. I love the outside, and though I know absolutely nothing about gardening, farming, horses, or any such thing, I can imagine myself being very content living out in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of "empty" land all around. I enjoy my time in big cities, but that's mostly because a)anytime I've been to one I haven't had to drive in it (and couldn't ever imagine doing so- definitely not aggressive enough) and b)I'm fascinated by the large buildings, but I'm also somewhat intimidated by them.


I enjoy spending time outside, especially after dark or early in the morning. So it was nice to get out. I've been thinking a lot lately about where I used to be. . . who I used to be. . . and where and who I am now. . . and who I'm becoming. . . and I've come up with a few things. First, I've got to come to terms that I can't change what I've done in my life and realize that EVERY SINGLE THING that has happened has led me to the place I am at now. It was all part of God's perfect plan for my life. . . and He's still in control! If someone would have told me at the time that this is the life I would have, that these are the people that would become important in my life, that this is the job that was waiting for me. . . I would have laughed at whoever told me all of this! And now I can't help but laugh for joy at all the ways He has provided for me! Little things, big things, unexpected things. . . I can't tell you how many times I've gone to take care of some unexpected expense (doctor's bill, car issue, etc) and had the exact amount needed in my wallet or checking account. I can't explain how perfect the various people I've met down here have filled in gaps in my life and provided support/entertainment/encouragement and allowed me to also care about and for them.

Second, I'm still trying to figure out my place and role at the point I am at right now. I have no idea what's going to happen with many different areas, but you know, it doesn't really matter. Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing right now? Am I spending each day to it's fullest, staying near to God and submitting to His will rather than taking things in my own hands? Are the activities I choose to fill my life with just "filler" or am I making them meaningful/purposeful? Are my interactions with people glorifying God? Not always easy questions to answer, but I think they're all important.

Third, it's January and I can go outside in shorts. What??

Finally, I was looking at the sky this evening (one of the rare cloudy evenings I've noticed) and picked out Orion through the clouds. I really want to find a large empty field without a lot of artificial lights around and gaze at the stars some evening. The sky is so clear down here (again, most of the time), and though I'm forced by occupation to get up super early, I'm still a night owl on the inside.

So. . . what's my point in all this?

Well, this is my life.

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