.posthidden {display:none} .postshown {display:inline} By His Own Hand. . .: Day 7: The Reason for Everything


Day 7: The Reason for Everything

One last comment about the conference. I was a little bit appaled by some of the younger directors there. Sure, they looked nice, more dressed up than I with their suits and blazers and ties (while I was wearing nice pants/khakis and button up striped shirts). But one guy leaned over to me this morning and said "I'm here because I feel like I should have come to more things. This is only my 3rd or 4th clinic." Yeah. . . and this was Saturday morning. I don't know what he (and others, I'm sure) were doing the rest of the weekend, but it was just like. . . really? Or the older guys (like, 40s I would guess) talking about how hilarious it was that a mile marker said "MILF" because the bottom of the capital "E" had been scraped off.

Yeah guys. Real mature.

I truly hope these guys are anomolies in the system. . . but I'm not too sure about that.

Anyway, the conference was great for me. My job doesn't feel as impossible, so that's kind of nice. I'm actually excited for Monday! Well. . . sans 8th grade. . . but I only have them for 5 more days! So I guess that is exciting :)


"Glory" is one of those words that I don't think we always take the time to define or truly understand. Other words like that are sanctify, worship, born again, even love. I like what this chapter has to say: "It is who God is. It is the essence of his nature, the weight of his importance, the radiance of his splendor, the demonstration of his power, and the atmosphere of his presence. God's glory is in the expression of this goodness and all his other intrisic, eternal qualities." We see it in ourselves and the world around us: God is the master painter, musician, sculptor, horticulturist, doctor, etc. The Bible talks about different places/times where He reveals His glory (the Garden of Eden, Moses, in the tabernacle, through Jesus, to the disciples).

We can't add to his glory, but there are things we can to do bring glory to Him. And apparently this is what the rest of the book is about. There are 5 main topics (probably the themes for each of the next 5 weeks), so here we go with another way to organize my thoughts!

First, we bring Him glory by worshiping him. This doesn't mean coming to church on Sunday and singing songs. I love this: "We worship God by enjoying him. God want sout worship to be motivated by love, thanksgiving, and delight, NOT duty." I added the emphasis. Worship is a way of life (which is just what Pastor Dan was saying last week. . . and that might be the topic of tomorrow's sermon. . . "coincidence"?)

Second, we can bring glory by loving other believers. So this book might help me with that whole "love" issue? That's pretty exciting.

Third is our pursuit to become more Christlike. It seems obvious, but some people, like I, don't ever bother to go past those first couple steps in sanctification. They remain spiritual infants. I like growing up and maturing in Christ much better.

Fourth, we bring God glory by serving others with our gifts. I am so thankful everyday for the God-given passion for music and the physical skill on the piano (and percussion. . . and flute too I suppose, though I won't perform publically on the flute). But I think one thing I need to do is look deeper inside and see what I can bring to the table (specifially at Stetson Baptist) beyond the music. That's the easy part for me. Now, it's not that I think you have to do something difficult to serve, but I'm 21 and single. Even with being a 1st year teacher, I have time and potential to do more than play in the orchestra, occasinally fill in as pianist, and (potentially) sing in the choir. Maybe this will answer that question that's been burning in me since Thursday.

Finally, we glorify the Lord by telling others about Him. That seems like the most obvious and should be the easiest thing we can do. And what an opportunity for God to allow us to be involved in the process of bringing people to Him! He could just zap into our brains and say, "Look, I created gravity and the Grand Canyon and even the duck-billed platypus. Believe in Me." Instead, He uses believers to spread His word and His love. What an opportunity!

I know this isn't going to be the easiest way to live all the time, but it's the best way (and the only way really). I'm so excited to continue to explore this book. I've already decided to give my life over to Him; I think this book will help me in figuring out exactly how to do that.

So, one week down. . . almost-

Point to Ponder: It's all for him.
Enough said. Four simple words mean SO much. . .

Verse to Remember: Romans 11:36 b- "For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory." Living Bible
Have I mentioned that I love Romans?

Question to Consider: Where in my daily routine can I become more aware of God's glory?
I think a big part is in my music choices. Now, in the car it's not a problem, because my dial never leaves Z Radio (yes, even with it's 20 or so songs, it is "Safe for the Little Ears." Sometime I'll get into the absurdity of "adult content," but not tonight, because I'm tired). When I get home, often I'll stream Z Radio. But sometimes I'll listen to other things, either online or from my personal library. Now, I have a place in my heart for most musical theater, and while some of it is fantastic music, the lyrics and/or topic matters are not always glorifying to God. In fact, what I'm listening to now I shouldn't be. . .
Now I just have to do that all the time. . .

Well, that's one "theme" down. I think tomorrow after church I'll do a post with the "discussion questions" from the back of the book (as well as Day 8 later in the evening, of course). I'm playing in the SBC orchestra tomorrow, so I had better get to bed.

So glad to be caught up!

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