.posthidden {display:none} .postshown {display:inline} By His Own Hand. . .: Thoughts from choir rehearsal


Thoughts from choir rehearsal

As much as my OCD side doesn't want me to split up my PDL entries (but let's face it; there are only 40 days anyway, so eventually I'll have to move on to something else), I want to set this down/put it out there, more for me than anything else. Reggie (who always has great little nuggets about worship) said some things tonight that impacted me once again to jot them down. And since I put them on my music (which will be turned in), I need to put them down somewhere more permanent. So:
-We are supposed to be creating an environment for worship, but at the same time the audience has to bring worship with them; we won't make it happen.
-We perform for an audience of ONE.
-It is more important to reach others than to stay in our own personal comfortable places.
-When people complain about the music used for the service, we must ask: which song did not honor God?

I also wrote Don't stretch neck! but that's not really about worship. And it looks like I put "Don't shc tca heak!" I'm glad someone can interpret my writing.

The second and third points challenge me, especially the second one. I need to remember that playing or singing a "Godly" song does not make it an act of worship. After all, God doesn't care if you have the most beautiful voice in the world or if you're monotone and tone deaf; He looks at your heart and the spirit with which you are performing. I have to avoid the thinking trap of "I'm a good musician so anything musical I do pleases God."

And if I can start applying that principle to all areas of my life. . . well, I'm on my way. Gotta keep forward motion.

I'm coming back to the heart of worship, and it's all about You.

Finally, great quote for the night about Berry's arrangement of "How Great Thou Art": God has that one on his Ipod.

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